Welcome to Lent

I like the somberness and reflectiveness of the Lenten season.  Being confronted by the reminder of mortality that Lent brings has made me feel like living life to the fullest and making changes where I need to so that I can truly appreciate what I have.  To that end, on Monday I started a 21 day meditation challenge through the Chopra Center.  It’s free, and I really like it.  For the second three weeks of Lent, I think I’m going to try to keep meditating on my own.  There’s something about trying to stay present that feels like just what I need right now.

[I haven’t written much about religion here, but thanks to a crying jag, I realized how much I am missing spiritual elements in my life lately.  As a result, I plan to do more writing on these topics, as well as exploring what I need my real life to be faith-wise.]

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