Enjoying lately

Sharing good news. I’m 13 weeks pregnant! We just made a big announcement via email to family and friends, and all the love and support has poured in. How wonderful to have so many people offer prayers, thoughts, and good wishes to us as we embark on this life phase. I’m excited to write more about pregnancy and [future] parenting in this space, too. Right now we’re calling the fetus “Plum,” and I think that name will stick for the blog.

Teaching yoga. I’ve mentioned here before that I finished my prenatal yoga teacher training at the end of May, and that I was scheduled to start teaching a weekly class at the end of June. So that date came and went, and no students showed up then or for the next several weeks. But now, I’ve had three weeks in a row of having two students in my class, and I LOVE teaching. It challenges me intellectually, and I really enjoy sharing yoga (and now life experiences!) with pregnant ladies.

The Good Wife. My friend, Sarah, raved about this show for years, but I didn’t start watching it until last week. It. is. so. fab. It’s compelling and thoughtful and most of the episodes we’ve watched so far pass the Bechdel Test. I’ve gotten Hubs into it now, and we are working our way through the first season. It’s available on Amazon Prime and Hulu for streaming.

Mandala Magic. On a whim, I signed up for an online class from artist Alisa Burke called Mandala Magic. The class was just what I needed to get started on this creative, meditative practice. Mandalas are geometric shapes that radiate out from a center point. I so enjoy drawing them as I watch TV, listen to audiobooks, or take it easy on the weekends. It’s way better than playing phone games and has also inspired me to learn more about mandala creation as a spiritual practice.

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4 thoughts on “Enjoying lately

  1. Vivienne McNeny says:

    Congratulations Abby and Hubby. You are entering an amazing time and practicing yoga and meditation will make you and Plum so calm and relaxed. I absolutely loved being pregnant, every moment of it…enjoy! Prayers and lots of positive vibes heading your way.

    • Thank you Vivienne! I hope I get to the enjoying part of it now that I am nearly through the first trimester. We so appreciate your prayers and positive vibes 🙂

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