Plum at four months

Gazes at her fist like it’s the most fascinating thing she’s ever seen (it probably is). Also definitely looks at the cats and dog as though she’s realized they are independent beings and not just part of the decor.

Coos, squeals, squawks, smacks, and occasionally makes consonant sounds: guh, ma, da, mmm, and nnn. Also is starting to chuckle. Once she laughed out loud a lot because her Uncle T was so very funny.

Sleeps in her co-sleeper from about 7-7:30 pm to between 6:30-8 am with maybe one wake up for first breakfast sometime between 3 and 5:30 am.

Deliberately touches people (especially her dad) on the arm or the face. Also rubs her hands all over her own face while falling asleep and waking up.

Has just started drawing things—aside from the magical fist and its thumb—to her mouth.

Drools much more than she ever has before; chews on her bottom lip and tongue.

Rides the bus in the baby carrier to and from work with me four days a week (I work from home one of the days). At work, Plum naps in her stroller bassinet, drinks milk, visits with my coworkers, and plays on her quilt.

Scoots all around on her back by pushing herself with her feet. She is very unlikely to be in the same orientation in her bed at the end of nap as she was at the beginning.

Hangs out on her side with her legs to the side and could be rolling over any day now!

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