Plum at 11 months

Says cat (sounds like haT), all done (aw duh), and maybe shoe (sooh) and dog (daw). Still messes around with da, ma, and ba in various combinations.

Sits up in her bed, which sometimes might make it tricky to go back to sleep.

Claps, waves, and, when asked if she’s going to give her baby a kiss, brings dolls to her mouth for an open mouth “kiss.”

Almost always chooses the forward movement of commando crawling over rolling. Mid month,she went from pushing with just her right leg to using both much more symmetrically.

Sometimes all fours crawls. In prepping for all fours crawling, does a lot of spiderman stretching and rocking back to a seat.

Has started to reach up for things (the Christmas tree, coffee table, straps hanging off her high chair, etc.) sometimes from her knees.

Can sort of climb small obstacles like our legs and the cat scratcher.

Able to eat pieces of crackers and whole cheerios (these are the driest foods she’s tried).

Tried water in a sippy cup at the beach house we stayed at after Christmas and loved the cup (as opposed to the open cups and other sippy/straw cups she’d tried before). Luckily it was the cheap-o kind from the grocery store.

Enjoyed eating paper at Christmas time and loved the gifts—especially the books!

Kind of dances/bobs around to music or singing while sitting in her high chair/on the floor or while being held by us.

Kind of sings along with us when we sing and imitates other sounds that we make like coughing or emphatic talking.

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