The friendliest bus

This morning, in preparation for an appointment I have this afternoon, I drove my car to a park and ride and, for the first time, took the bus from there. Four other women waited at the stop with me, and while we were waiting, they asked me whether it was my first time at the stop (yes), offered homegrown tomatoes (no, thank you), and chatted about their upcoming days.

When we got on the bus, they merrily greeted the group of women already seated and continued the happy banter. Today, it turned out, was one woman’s last day on the bus, so there was a present for her. They traded tips on their favorite nail salons, and asked a pregnant lady about her plans for work until the baby comes. When we got to my stop, they all wished me a good day as I got off.

I probably won’t take this bus more often than every couple of weeks or so, but what a treat to look forward to when I do!

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